Tuesday 6 December 2016

Guitar multi-effect

Yet another multi-effect aiming to tone shaping before hitting the rest of the chain.
Armed with an opto-compressor, a fat mid boost and a clean boost with eq. Compressor comes first and the other two effects can switch order by flipping the middle switch.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Wah mod Cry Baby GCB-95

It didn't work at all when I got it, renewed some parts and soldered some joints to bring it back. While at it also done some modifications. 

1. More mids
2. Installed trimmer for gain control.
3. Added switch for "vocal mod" to decrease the "Q" value of the sweep
4. Another switch allowing lower frequencies to pass through the wah.
...also added led.

All capacitors that signal goes through have been replaced with famous "tropical fish" caps, adding extra mojo and a vintage feel.